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About Me

I've always loved writing stories. At age 10, my father gave me my first typewriter, which I quickly put to use in tapping out a series of short stories. This process was repeated a few years later after receiving my first word processor, and then a computer not long after that.


It wasn't until 2010 that I finally decided to attempt something that had always proved elusive––completing a full-length novel. The book that resulted was 2013's All Things New, a compendium of fictional interviews from brothers and sisters who'd survived the great tribulation and who were now working to restore the earth to a paradise. While initially nervous about sharing the book with others, its reception was overwhelmingly positive, motivating me to write a second novel in 2014, The Unrighteous.


Since then I've written and released books yearly, with most of my stories being set in the new world or during the great tribulation. (An exception to this was The Bloom of Youth and its sequel, a young adult coming-of-age story.)


Up until the recent Covid-19 pandemic, I served for over a decade as a need-greater with my wife in a foreign-language field in Asia. I am now living back in the United States with my wife.


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Writing on Computer
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